The concept of giving to charity is often associated with donating money or material things towards a given cause, leaving those that may lack feeling as though they have nothing they can give. This cannot be far from the truth as there is so much more we can give. Below, I discuss a few gifts, money included, that one can choose to give to others.
You can give your time, regardless of how short or long. The gift of time does not focus so much on the quantity but rather the quality- how present you are with another. To give time, one can volunteer to look after a sick neighbor, set aside time to cook for the needy in the society or simply spend time with those in need. At DECA, we give the gift of time through programs that see us spend the whole day in the company of individuals living in the streets, children in children’s homes and/or hospitals and the other places we visit. During our programs, we emphasize being present to actually spend time with the people we are visiting and I can attest, some of the best conversations I have ever had were spent in the company of the elderly living in homes for the elderly or individuals living in the streets!
Sharing talent implies giving the skills or knowledge you possess to others that may require it. This can include teaching, cooking, singing or mentorship. At the very basic level, each one of us has a gift or talent that identifies us. One may not have funds or material things to give to another but you can cook or teach another how to cook. When shared and expressed to those that may benefit, the resultant impact is joy, both for ourselves and others.
Personal Energy
I think this is sometimes referred to as essence- a vitality that is synonymous with who you are. This can include personal qualities such as love, hope, patience, enthusiasm and grace. The possession of such qualities generates an energy that can be felt by those around you especially when you spend time with others. In spending time with others, you can easily cause another to feel loved, optimistic about life or grateful for what they have through the energy being dispelled by you. The best part is, it is just as easy to be positively impacted by the essence/energies of those we spend time with, giving you an opportunity as well to grow your positive qualities.
Financial/ Material resources
This is the most common form of giving that is widely recognized. This can involve donating money, food, clothing or funds to go towards a particular cause. In giving material resources, we should remember that the size of the gift is not as significant as the spirit of the gift itself. Here, it is never about how much you have but rather about your willingness to share the little you have with others.
Now that you know the different ways in which you can give, which of them best appeals to you? Do you lack funds but can share your time or talent?
Do you prefer to take on a personalized approach where you are directly involved with the recipients or do you prefer a hands-off approach in which you do not need to meet and interact with the recipients?
The answers to these questions are a personal choice, as is how you choose to give.